Tim Weyrich (7066)

Organization: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Address: Cauerstraße 11
91058 Erlangen
Country: Germany
Email: tim.weyrich@fau.de

Tim Weyrich holds the chair of Digital Reality at FAU's department of computer science and is a associate member of the FAU department for digital humanities and social studies. In addition, he retains a part-time assignment as Professor of Visual Computing in the Virtual Environments and Computer Graphics group at the Department of Computer Science, University College London (UCL), a position he originally held until 2021, after coming to UCL in 2008. In an earlier life, he was a Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow of Princeton University, working in the Princeton Computer Graphics Group, a post he took after having received his PhD from ETH Zurich, Switzerland, in 2006. His research interests include content creation, computational photography, appearance modelling and fabrication, point-based graphics, cultural heritage analysis and digital humanities.

He is a member of the executive committee of Eurographics; member of the steering board of the Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage and the steering committee EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre of Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology (SEAHA). He serves as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions of Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) and is a member of the Association for Historical and Fine Art Photography (AHFAP), special interest group Libraries & Archives Imaging; member of EPSRC College, BCS, ACM SIGGRAPH, Eurographics and of Gesellschaft für Informatik.

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