Jiri Zara (5340)

Organization: Czech Technical University in Prague
Address: Karlovo nam. 13
121 35 Praha 2
Country: Czech Republic
Telephone: +(420) 224357311
Fax: +(420) 224923325
Email: zara@fel.cvut.cz
Jiri Zara is a full professor of computer science and a head of the Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction (DCGI) at the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU). This department represents the largest research and education body in the area of computer graphics among all universities in the Czech Republic - Jiri Zara is one of its co-founders. He has been working in the field since 1982. His textbooks “Contemporary Computer Graphics” (1998, 2005) have been used as a key literature for computer graphics education within Czech and even Slovak Republic. His previous activities cover active preparation of various ISO standards like VRML, PNG, and MPEG. He has been a leader of various research projects, both international and national – the most important has been the National Center of Excellence in Computer Graphics (2006-2011) and currently the Visual Computing Competence Center (V3C, 2012-2019), where he is responsible for the CTU part of the project. The research activities of Jiri Zara range from ray tracing in his early stage of his carrier to animations, virtual worlds, and virtual and augmented reality in recent years.
He organized the successful and memorable Eurographics 2007 annual conference in Prague. In the next years he also concentrated on educational aspects of Computer Graphics and he was a co-chair of Education track at Eurographics 2018 and 2023. In 2017, he became a Fellow of the Eurographics association. From 2023, he is a chair of the EG Education Board.
The life motto of Jiri Zara is “Search for the best people around you and support their career”.

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