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Marie-Paule Cani (3235)
Organization: |
Grenoble INP |
Address: |
Equipe IMAGINE, Laboratoire LJK INRIA Rhône-Alpes, 655 avenue de l'Europe, Montbonnot 38334 Saint Ismier Cedex |
Country: |
France |
Telephone: |
(+33|0) 476 61 54 32 |
Fax: |
(+33|0) 476 61 54 66 |
Email: |
marie-paule.cani@polytechnique.edu |
Marie-Paule Cani is a Professor of Computer Science at Ecole Polytechnique , on leave from Grenoble-INP & Inria from May 2017. Her research interests cover both Shape Modelling and Computer Animation. She contributed over the years to a number of high level models for shapes and motion such as implicit surfaces, multi-resolution physically-based animation methods and hybrid representations for real-time natural scenes. Following a long lasting interest for virtual sculpture, she has been recently searching for more expressive ways to create 3D content such as combining sketch-based interfaces with procedural models based on a priori knowledge or learning. She received the Eurographics outstanding technical contributions award in 2011 and a Silver medal from CNRS in 2012. She was awarded the ERC advanced EXPRESSIVE (2012-2017) and elected at the Academia Europaea in 2013.
Marie-Paule Cani was the Technical Paper Chair of SIGGRAPH 2017. Before that, she served in the program committees of all major conferences in Computer Graphics and was program chair a number of times. She served in the steering committees of SCA, SBIM and SMI, and in the editorial board of ACM Transactions of Graphics (TOG), Computer Graphics Forum, IEEE TVCG and Graphical Models,. She is now associate editor of Computer & Graphics. She was Director at Large in the EC of ACM SIGGRAPH from 2007 to 2011, and she represented Computer Graphics in the ACM Publication Board from 2011 to 2014. In France, she belongs to the executive board of the GDR IG-RV (Informatique Géométrique et Graphique, Réalité Virtuelle et Visualisation) and to the CA of the French chapter of Eurographics. After serving as Vice President of Eurographics from 2013, she has been President of Eurographics in 2017 and 2018.