David Duke (3205)

Organization: School of Computing, University of Leeds
Address: Woodhouse Lane
LS2 9JT Leeds
Country: UK
Telephone: +44 07423211813
Fax: +44 113 343 5468
Email: duke.j.david@gmail.com

David Duke is Professor of Computer Science and was Head of the School of Computing in Leeds (2012-2017. His research includes formal methods,mathematics for program construction, large-scale infovis and topological methods in scientific visualization, and parallel graphics and visualization. A feature of his work is the use of pure functional programming, in the form of the Haskell language, to underpin new approaches to parrallel implementation.

David is also active in the teaching and promotion of graphics. While at York he introduced computer graphics into the curriculum, and at Leeds he is lead development of a new programme in High Performance Graphics and Games Engineering, in collaboration with UK games companies, launched in 2017.

His career includes work on design of virtual environments, on multimedia middleware (the PREMO standard), on ontologies for graphics, and on fundamental models of interactive systems and human-system interaction. In joint work with David Duce, and two cognitive psychologists (Phil Barnard and Jon May), he developed a technique (syndetic modelling) for integrating a model of cognitive information processing into the systematic analysis of interactively rich systems.

In 2000 he succeeded Hans-Peter Seidel as Editor-in-Chief of Computer Graphics Forum (working firstly with Sabine Coquillart, and then Roberto Scopigno). He co-chaired the joint Eurographics / IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization (EuroVis 2005), and was programme co-chair for DSV1S'99, STAR Chair for Eurographics 2000, and Jon Landsdown Award co-chair for Eurographics 2003. He served as Gunter Enderle Award Chair for EG2008. He as been on the IPC of a number of events, including Eurographics (2000-2003, 2007), and EuroVis, and IEEE Visualization. Beyond graphics, h He has served three terms as an elected member of the EG Executive Committee, and in 2006 was elected as Fellow of the Association.

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