Dieter W. Fellner (2346)

Organization: Fraunhofer IGD
Address: Fraunhoferstr. 5
64283 Darmstadt
Country: Germany

Professor Dieter W. Fellner, PhD

Dieter Fellner is a professor of computer science at the Graz University of Technology, Austria and at TU Darmstadt, Germany. He is also director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD located in Darmstadt, Rostock and Singapore. Previously he has held academic positions at the University of Technology in Braunschweig, Germany, the University of Bonn, Germany, the Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, and the University of Denver, Colorado.

After his studies of Technical Mathematics in Graz (Diploma 1981, Doktorate 1984, Habilitation 1988) his career started in the MUPID development team (1982), where he was responsible for the decoder-based videotex graphics editing system. Dieter Fellner's research activities over the last years covered algorithms and software architectures to integrate modeling and rendering, efficient rendering and visualization algorithms, generative and reconstructive modeling, virtual and augmented reality, graphical aspects of internet-based multimedia information systems and digital libraries. In the latter field he has coordinated a strategic initiative funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) from 1997 till 2005 which financed approx. 50 researchers per year in 21 research groups.

Dieter Fellner has authored one of the German standard textbooks on computer graphics (1988, 2nd ed. 1992) and together with A. Endres he has written a book on digital libraries (2000). In the areas of computer graphics and digital libraries Dieter Fellner is a member of the editorial boards of leading journals and a member of the program committees of many international conferences and workshops.

He is a member of EUROGRAPHICS, ACM, IEEE Computer Society and the German Computer Society (GI). In 2000 he became a fellow of Eurographics Association and in 2009 a member of the Academia Europaea, The Academy of Europe.

He served the EUROGRAPHICS Association as Assistant Treasurer (1994-1998), as Vice Chairman (1996-1998) and Chairman (1999-2000). During his chairmanship he focussed on the issue of 'going digital' by introducing EG's Digital Library and electronic submission/reviewing/publication workflow. Since 2001 he serves as Chairman of the Publications Board where he has focussed on establishing 'Eurographics Publishing', an independent publisher providing EUROGRAPHICS with the flexibility needed to address current publishing challenges.

He was also Programme Co-Chair of the Eurographics'97 and Eurographics'2003 conference.

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