David Duce (153)

Organization: Oxford Brookes University
Address: School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics, Wheatley Campus
Country: UK
Telephone: +44-1865-484528
Fax: +44-1865-484545
Email: daduce@brookes.ac.uk

David Duce is a retired Professor in Computer Science in the Department of Computing and Communication Technologies at Oxford Brookes University. He has been involved in computer graphics since 1975. He was one of the editors of the ISO/IEC standard for computer graphics, the Graphical Kernel System (GKS). He is co-author of books on GKS, PHIGS and Graphics Standards and was also involved in the development of the Computer Graphics Reference Model and Presentation Environments for Multi-media Objects (PREMO). Research projects have focused on distributed cooperative visualisation, web-based visualisation and applications of formal methods to computer graphics and human-computer interaction. Most recently he was co-editor for PNG within ISO/IEC (published in 2004). In retirement, his current research concerns with web graphics and applications of visualisation in personal health management, understanding university data and to teaching materials for students of liturgy.

He served on the computer science panel in the UK Research Assessment Exercises in 1996 and 2001 and was elected to the Committee of the Council of Professors and Heads of Computing (CPHC) in April 2012 and served as secretary until April 2015.

He was an elected member of the Eurographics Executive Committee from 1983 to 1999 and from 2007, he has held many roles in the Association including Chairman (2007-2008), Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Chairman of the Fellows. He was co-chairman of the Eurographics conference for EG '98, 2000 and 2003. He and Paul ten Hagen (CWI) were the first chief-editors of the Associations's journal, Computer Graphics Form. He currently assists the treasury team.

He is an Honorary Fellow of the Association and was awarded the EG Gold Medal in 2017.

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